

Bullying is one of the biggest concerns for parents, if you find out or suspect your child is being bullied, there are things you can do to resolve the problem. 


The most important thing you can do to prevent bullying is to encourage your child to look out for themselves and each other by using: 

S – Start 

T – Telling 

O – Other 

P – People 

It is important that children know the difference between bullying and a fallout or single incident. You can help your child to understand this by using:

S – Several  

T – Times 

O – On  

P – Purpose 


Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. 


Mr Taylor (our Behaviour Mentor) is usually available to talk to without an appointment. He will carry out a full investigation of your concerns and will often offer conflict resolution between both parties.  


Alternatively, make an appointment to see Mrs Badge, Mrs Lee or Mr Khunti. 

Your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs)

This year we have two Anti-bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in every class in years 3, 4 and 5.
You can easily identify them with their ABA badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground.

Pupil Leadership Team 


This year, the two Pupil Leadership Team members in each class are able to talk to your child about anti-bullying. 

You can easily identify them with their PLT badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground. 


The following links offer support and guidance for both parents and pupils: 

Below are some really useful leaflets for parents and children regarding bullying.

Parents Leaflet

Peer Leaflet

Pupil Leaflet

STOP Leaflet

Everyone’s Welcome

Everyone’s Welcome is a series of picture books and lessons used to teach the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and to prepare children for life in modern Britain. 



In the Summer term, year groups completed displays on different Everyone’s Welcome books they have read throughout the year.

  Take a look at our fantastic work!

Our pupils have really positive things to say about Everyone’s Welcome.  Below are some quotes from our children:

The Equality Act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:  age, disability, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership.


Children are taught the following: 


Posters are displayed in each classroom and around school.  There will also be displays in the Summer term and assemblies planned in throughout the year.

Parents were invited to workshops in Autumn Term to provide information about Everyone’s Welcome.

Catherine Junior school have worked on a year long project to help us understand how we tackle bullying in our school. The Anti-bullying Alliance measured our efforts against other schools and awarded us a bronze certificate. 

Catherine Junior School are proud to be awarded Stonewall’s SCHOOL CHAMPION BRONZE AWARD. Our school has been recognised for celebrating diversity and tackling all forms of bullying including homophobic bullying etc.



Bullying is one of the biggest concerns for parents, if you find out or suspect your child is being bullied, there are things you can do to resolve the problem. 


The most important thing you can do to prevent bullying is to encourage your child to look out for themselves and each other by using: 

S – Start 

T – Telling 

O – Other 

P – People 

It is important that children know the difference between bullying and a fallout or single incident. You can help your child to understand this by using:

S – Several  

T – Times 

O – On  

P – Purpose 


Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. 


Mr Taylor (our Behaviour Mentor) is usually available to talk to without an appointment. He will carry out a full investigation of your concerns and will often offer conflict resolution between both parties.  


Alternatively, make an appointment to see Mrs Badge, Mrs Lee or Mr Khunti. 

Your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs)

This year we have two Anti-bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in every class in years 3, 4 and 5.
You can easily identify them with their ABA badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground.

Pupil Leadership Team 


This year, the two Pupil Leadership Team members in each class are able to talk to your child about anti-bullying. 

You can easily identify them with their PLT badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground. 


The following links offer support and guidance for both parents and pupils: 

Below are some really useful leaflets for parents and children regarding bullying.

Parents Leaflet

Peer Leaflet

Pupil Leaflet

STOP Leaflet

Everyone’s Welcome

Everyone’s Welcome is a series of picture books and lessons used to teach the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and to prepare children for life in modern Britain. 



In the Summer term, year groups completed displays on different Everyone’s Welcome books they have read throughout the year.

  Take a look at our fantastic work!

Our pupils have really positive things to say about Everyone’s Welcome.  Below are some quotes from our children:

The Equality Act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:  age, disability, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership.


Children are taught the following: 


Posters are displayed in each classroom and around school.  There will also be displays in the Summer term and assemblies planned in throughout the year.

Parents were invited to workshops in Autumn Term to provide information about Everyone’s Welcome.

Catherine Junior school have worked on a year long project to help us understand how we tackle bullying in our school. The Anti-bullying Alliance measured our efforts against other schools and awarded us a bronze certificate. 

Catherine Junior School are proud to be awarded Stonewall’s SCHOOL CHAMPION BRONZE AWARD. Our school has been recognised for celebrating diversity and tackling all forms of bullying including homophobic bullying etc.



Bullying is one of the biggest concerns for parents, if you find out or suspect your child is being bullied, there are things you can do to resolve the problem. 


The most important thing you can do to prevent bullying is to encourage your child to look out for themselves and each other by using: 

S – Start 

T – Telling 

O – Other 

P – People 

It is important that children know the difference between bullying and a fallout or single incident. You can help your child to understand this by using:

S – Several  

T – Times 

O – On  

P – Purpose 


Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. 


Mr Taylor (our Behaviour Mentor) is usually available to talk to without an appointment. He will carry out a full investigation of your concerns and will often offer conflict resolution between both parties.  


Alternatively, make an appointment to see Mrs Badge, Mrs Lee or Mr Khunti. 

Your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs)

This year we have two Anti-bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in every class in years 3, 4 and 5.
You can easily identify them with their ABA badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground.

Pupil Leadership Team 


This year, the two Pupil Leadership Team members in each class are able to talk to your child about anti-bullying. 

You can easily identify them with their PLT badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground. 


The following links offer support and guidance for both parents and pupils: 

Below are some really useful leaflets for parents and children regarding bullying.

Parents Leaflet

Peer Leaflet

Pupil Leaflet

STOP Leaflet

Everyone’s Welcome

Everyone’s Welcome is a series of picture books and lessons used to teach the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and to prepare children for life in modern Britain. 



In the Summer term, year groups completed displays on different Everyone’s Welcome books they have read throughout the year.

  Take a look at our fantastic work!

Our pupils have really positive things to say about Everyone’s Welcome.  Below are some quotes from our children:

The Equality Act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:  age, disability, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership.


Children are taught the following: 


Posters are displayed in each classroom and around school.  There will also be displays in the Summer term and assemblies planned in throughout the year.

Parents were invited to workshops in Autumn Term to provide information about Everyone’s Welcome.

Catherine Junior school have worked on a year long project to help us understand how we tackle bullying in our school. The Anti-bullying Alliance measured our efforts against other schools and awarded us a bronze certificate. 

Catherine Junior School are proud to be awarded Stonewall’s SCHOOL CHAMPION BRONZE AWARD. Our school has been recognised for celebrating diversity and tackling all forms of bullying including homophobic bullying etc.



Bullying is one of the biggest concerns for parents, if you find out or suspect your child is being bullied, there are things you can do to resolve the problem. 


The most important thing you can do to prevent bullying is to encourage your child to look out for themselves and each other by using: 

S – Start 

T – Telling 

O – Other 

P – People 

It is important that children know the difference between bullying and a fallout or single incident. You can help your child to understand this by using:

S – Several  

T – Times 

O – On  

P – Purpose 


Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. 


Mr Taylor (our Behaviour Mentor) is usually available to talk to without an appointment. He will carry out a full investigation of your concerns and will often offer conflict resolution between both parties.  


Alternatively, make an appointment to see Mrs Badge, Mrs Lee or Mr Khunti. 

Your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs)

This year we have two Anti-bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in every class in years 3, 4 and 5.
You can easily identify them with their ABA badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground.

Pupil Leadership Team 


This year, the two Pupil Leadership Team members in each class are able to talk to your child about anti-bullying. 

You can easily identify them with their PLT badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground. 


The following links offer support and guidance for both parents and pupils: 

Below are some really useful leaflets for parents and children regarding bullying.

Parents Leaflet

Peer Leaflet

Pupil Leaflet

STOP Leaflet

Everyone’s Welcome

Everyone’s Welcome is a series of picture books and lessons used to teach the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and to prepare children for life in modern Britain. 



In the Summer term, year groups completed displays on different Everyone’s Welcome books they have read throughout the year.

  Take a look at our fantastic work!

Our pupils have really positive things to say about Everyone’s Welcome.  Below are some quotes from our children:

The Equality Act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:  age, disability, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership.


Children are taught the following: 


Posters are displayed in each classroom and around school.  There will also be displays in the Summer term and assemblies planned in throughout the year.

Parents were invited to workshops in Autumn Term to provide information about Everyone’s Welcome.

Catherine Junior school have worked on a year long project to help us understand how we tackle bullying in our school. The Anti-bullying Alliance measured our efforts against other schools and awarded us a bronze certificate. 

Catherine Junior School are proud to be awarded Stonewall’s SCHOOL CHAMPION BRONZE AWARD. Our school has been recognised for celebrating diversity and tackling all forms of bullying including homophobic bullying etc.



Bullying is one of the biggest concerns for parents, if you find out or suspect your child is being bullied, there are things you can do to resolve the problem. 


The most important thing you can do to prevent bullying is to encourage your child to look out for themselves and each other by using: 

S – Start 

T – Telling 

O – Other 

P – People 

It is important that children know the difference between bullying and a fallout or single incident. You can help your child to understand this by using:

S – Several  

T – Times 

O – On  

P – Purpose 


Talk to your child’s class teacher about your concerns. 


Mr Taylor (our Behaviour Mentor) is usually available to talk to without an appointment. He will carry out a full investigation of your concerns and will often offer conflict resolution between both parties.  


Alternatively, make an appointment to see Mrs Badge, Mrs Lee or Mr Khunti. 

Your Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs)

This year we have two Anti-bullying Ambassadors (ABAs) in every class in years 3, 4 and 5.
You can easily identify them with their ABA badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground.

Pupil Leadership Team 


This year, the two Pupil Leadership Team members in each class are able to talk to your child about anti-bullying. 

You can easily identify them with their PLT badges, which they wear at every playtime and lunchtime in the playground. 


The following links offer support and guidance for both parents and pupils: 

Below are some really useful leaflets for parents and children regarding bullying.

Parents Leaflet

Peer Leaflet

Pupil Leaflet

STOP Leaflet

Everyone’s Welcome

Everyone’s Welcome is a series of picture books and lessons used to teach the protected characteristics in the Equality Act and to prepare children for life in modern Britain. 



In the Summer term, year groups completed displays on different Everyone’s Welcome books they have read throughout the year.

  Take a look at our fantastic work!

Our pupils have really positive things to say about Everyone’s Welcome.  Below are some quotes from our children:

The Equality Act states that it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:  age, disability, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity and marriage or civil partnership.


Children are taught the following: 


Posters are displayed in each classroom and around school.  There will also be displays in the Summer term and assemblies planned in throughout the year.

Parents were invited to workshops in Autumn Term to provide information about Everyone’s Welcome.

Catherine Junior school have worked on a year long project to help us understand how we tackle bullying in our school. The Anti-bullying Alliance measured our efforts against other schools and awarded us a bronze certificate. 

Catherine Junior School are proud to be awarded Stonewall’s SCHOOL CHAMPION BRONZE AWARD. Our school has been recognised for celebrating diversity and tackling all forms of bullying including homophobic bullying etc.